dimarts, 20 d’octubre del 2009

work teams and let's start

During today´s lecture we will start to work on our project, we have to decide the different work teams and we will develop the script, the casting, the production, the story board of the film, the editing...

Decide where you want to work and start to produce.
In the last class we talked about the examples of story boards, in this class we will see the script.

To write a cinematografic script in the American form we can use the Software FINAL DRAFT; it's a text editor with the spaces and distances of American script.

A free piece of software is Celtx, which we can download here:

For users of Word as word-processing software, we can install an screen that agregates the possibilities of professional script. It's called Script Smart 97 and we can download it here:

This programme will transform the script into something visually similar to the industry standard. Here you can see the script of "Little miss sunshine": http://www.dailyscript.com/scripts/LITTLE_MISS_SUNSHINE.pdf

You can find more examples of the scripts of wonderful films with the following link

Good luck!

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