dimarts, 20 d’octubre del 2009

the program

History of cinema.

This is the programme of the subject. It can be modified with problems or decisions that we have taken during the course.

7th October. Presentation. Story board exercise.

14 October. Science fiction. The Cube. Vicenzo Natali. 1998

21 October. The script, we are going to start the class doing work in teams about the film project. Presentation of the blog hisofcinema.blogspot.com as a tool to comunicate and coordinate the whole teams. Different teams; the script, the casting, direction and production.

Search for materials and start to produce the script.

28 October. Sequence (film making) where we’ll learn the difference between heists, acts, shots and art structure. Black cinema. The maltes falcon. John Huston. 1941.

4 November. Historical film. The grapes of wrath. John ford. 1940.

11 November. 2nd part of The grapes of wrath. Know the process and the cinematographic language to start a movie. Coordinate teams, start the production process.

18 November. War cinema. Paths of glory. Stanley kubrick. 1957.

25 November. Horror. Psicosis. Alfred Hitchcock. 1960.

9 December. Practice.

16 December. Road movie. Easy rider. Dennis Hopper. 1969.

23 December. Practice.

6 January. Musical. Dancer in the dark. Lars von Trier. 2000.

13 January. Practice.

20 January. Be kind rewind. Michel Gondry 2008. A summary of the history of cinema with that funny and well done movie.

27 January. Practice 5.

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